When Jeff Wheeler had the idea to create the largest fitness expo in Colorado, some didn’t believe it was possible. Putting Bodybuilders, MMA fighters, Ninja Warriors and CrossFitters under the same roof?!?!?! Kind of sounds a real life Mad Max, Beyond Thunder-dome scenario right? But Jeff has a knack for getting people together for a common goal and that’s one of the reasons we like him! His philosophy is directly in line with the ideology of Axistence, and that is “Everything works, nothing works forever and there’s always room to improve”. No matter what fitness system you’re involved with, there is always room to learn and grow.
Often with the afore-mentioned methodologies, you have some of the “My style is better than your style” mentality. However, on July 8th and 9th, every one of these fitness flavors (and many more) will come together in one of the largest venues in the state, The Colorado Convention Center! The goal is to introduce the Denver community to as many types of fitness as possible. It’s very easy to get caught up in one form of exercise and start to think it’s the end-all-be-all. That’s why this Expo will have a little taste of everything. From Ninja Warrior & MMA to Parkour & Slackline, to Bodybuilding and of course, CrossFit! Attendees will have the pleasure of watching experts in each of these fields do what they do best and learning more about each one of them. Over the 2-day span, the entire event will also be streamed live via FX, CNBC Sports and Spike TV! So what exactly is the “Battle For Mile High”? The Battle For Mile High is a fitness competition from within the CrossFit community where up to 400 athletes from around the nation will have the opportunity to showcase their skills in one of the coolest venues in the country! This year we’re looking forward to seeing who will be crowned the Fittest in Denver! Battle For Mile High Details: Where: The Colorado Convention Center When: July 8th and 9th, 2017 Prizes: $15,000 Prize Purse 400 Athletes 42 Prize Packages 24 Places 8 Divisions 4 Workouts 2 Days 1 Overall Box Prize PLUS, through the "Back to the Box" initiative, we're donating 20% of your registration BACK to your box! If you’d like to register for the event, volunteer or you’d just like to know more about it, please check out the event page HERE!
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![]() You want results. You've heard us say time and time again, that "Consistency gets results" right? Then why is it that you're having trouble being consistent? Imagine you have the best program on the planet. Maybe it's the program that Angelina Jolie used for Tomb Raider or the one that Brad Pitt used for Troy. What do you think will happen if you follow it half ass? Think you’ll get the results of Angelina or Brad? Nope, you’ll get half-ass results… Even a bad program followed consistently will yield a better result than an amazing program followed poorly. Anyone who's stepped foot in our training facility has probably heard us ask the question "How much sleep did you get last night?" We're not asking this question for our health, we're asking it for yours. It just so happens that sleep may be the #1 contributing factor to whether or not you're reaching your goals. That's right, the #1 factor determining whether or not you lose those last 10lbs or whether you hit that 500lb deadlift. Exercise is important, as is your nutrition. However, you could be spinning your wheels in the gym and in the kitchen if you're not taking care of yourself in the bedroom…wait, that didn't come out right. Whatever, get your mind out of the gutter and let's dig into the importance of sleep.
WarriorsThese notes are the musings of a few BushCraft CrossFit warriors who pride themselves on prepping for performance. Archives
May 2017
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